A post by Uniteam Bataan, citing Philippine Star as its source, states “Antonio Luna’s cousin Fructuoso Edralin was the maternal grandmother of Ferdinand Edralin Marcos”.
At first, this is very possible because the ancestry of the Lunas can be traced to Badoc, Ilocos Norte while that of the Marcoses is in Batac City, which is a couple of towns away. Though it is Josefa Edralin, Marcos’s mother, who is being traced here, and the Edralins come from Sarrat, the president’s birthplace, which is much farther north.
The post cites the Philippine Star as a source and the article it was referencing was published in 2003 titled “Glittering Governor’s Ball In Ilocos”.
However, the article quoted Imelda and it is she who is claiming to be related to the Lunas.
The blood relation between the Lunas and the Edralins was debunked by genealogist and history buff Mona Magno-Veluz also known as Mighty Magulang on her social media platforms.
The genealogist has stated that the Edralins of Sarrat are not direct descendants of the Lunas of Badoc town because neither families have similar surnames to prove that they are directly related to each other.
Read the full story on The Baguio Chronicle.