A viral post on Facebook claims that Kuwait has joined the celebration of the victory of BBM-Sara for the 2022 Election. The post contains photos of the Kuwait tower lit in red and green, as well as photos of aerobatic air shows in the same colors.
The post was made by a Facebook page named ‘OFW ng Middle East’ claiming that Kuwait celebrates the win of the BBM-Sara tandem.
The photos were compiled pictures from different events that were never related to the Philippines election.
The Kuwait tower being lit in red and green was a tribute to the national day of Kuwait in 2019. The color of the lights represents the Kuwait flag.
Meanwhile, the aerobatic airshow was a show performed by the Italian Airforce entitled “Freece Tricolori” for the Italian Week in 2018 which was also held in Kuwait. It also signifies the color of the Italian flag.
Read the full story on The Baguio Chronicle.